Monday, 22 September 2014

new cycle

It's new cycle time!

Week 1
Monday 22nd Deadlift – 87kg x5, 93kg x5, 99kg x5+
Tuesday 23rd Squat  – 41kg x5, 44kg x5, 47kg x5+
Thursday 25th Overhead press  – 23kg x5, 24kg x5, 26kg x5+
Friday 26th Bench – 45kg x5, 48kg x5, 51kg x5+

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Review: Kinivo BTH220 bluetooth stereo headphones

I hate earphones.  In the gym especially.  They get caught, the wires snap, and the wires STICK TO ME and I hate that!  They are just plain awful.  I finally bit the bullet and bought some bluetooth headphones.  After hearing good things about Kinivo I went for their BTH220 headphones.

Firstly, the price is incredible.  I bought mine from Amazon for £14.99.  At that price I really didn't expect too much from the quality, but I was pleasantly surprised.  I am used to earphones that are good sound quality but I don't mind sacrificing some quality to have something that is practical for the environment I'm going to use it in.  At the gym I'm gonna sweat, I'm gonna run about, and I'm potentially going to drop them, drop a barbell on them, or drop them in a puddle of my own happens.  But you really don't feel a dip in sound quality on these headphones.  Of course, they're not Beats by Dre, but who gives a fuck?

Fitting wise, they fit great and I was able to do bench press and squats no problem at all.  I was also able to do some hiit cardio and nothing moved.  Basically everything I want from wireless headphones.

Price 10/10
Fitting and comfort 10/10
Sound quality 8/10

I give these 9 cat faces out of 10

Friday, 12 September 2014


After recovering from the cold I had to squeeze a whole weeks worth of gym in a few days.  After doing bench press and shoulder press (WHY) last night, today was deadlift day...otherwise known as THE BEST DAY.

I'm so happy where my deadlift is going.  I'm doing 105kg for reps and i'm defo on track for being able to do 150kg in competition.  I want to keep working on my lats and strength in my lats and bring in some work to help with the initial part of the lift.  My lockout is fine, but my initial lift is lacking.  I'll maybe throw some deficit deadlifts in to my programme to improve it.  Just for banter!

My bench though.  GAH.  That's partly my fault for stuff always coming up on bench press day.  But it's just not progressing how I want.  I'm thinking about two bench press days a week and have already incorporated pause reps.  Hopefully all will work out.

Finally, a wonderful thing happened today.

