Monday, 2 March 2015

End of cycle 2

It's the end of my second cycle of my current programme and things got EXCITING.

I ended up increasing my 1rm for all lifts:

Deadlift - 132.5kg
Bench - 60kg
Squat - 85kg

I tested each of these straight after the workout so I reckon if I had of been fresh I would have got more.  I got the 135kg deadlift off the floor and couldn't lock out, but I defo have that one in me!

Since I've been training every day for the last 10 weeks, I'm taking a much deserved de-load week before starting cycle 3.  My initial goals for the meet were 150kg+ deadlift, 90kg squat, and 70kg bench press and I feel like I've defo got the squat (going to aim for 95-100 actually).  For bench press I think I overestimated forgetting how slowly my bench strength goes up so we'll see what happens on the day.  Deadlift deadlift deadlift...that was a big goal.  I'm without a doubt going to go all out for it and hope that on the day adrenaline will help me push my strength to it's limits so I walk away feeling proud of my numbers.

The competition was capped at 40 lifters initially and it meant that there wasn't anyone else in my weight category.  This was shit.  Now, it's reopened and I have some healthy competition and I cannot WAIT to push myself over the next 7 weeks.

Gonna get the deload over with then hammer weights, grow some mass, and make some gains!

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