Thursday, 8 October 2015

injury update and the next steps

Firstly, I AM ALIVE

Things have been a little cray cray and i'll explain why.  A few months ago I broke my leg playing roller derby, for the second time.  This stopped all roller derby and the majority of my power lifting training and meant I had to drop out of British Champs.  This was a pretty miserable time.  I went from being strong and athletic, to weak, broken, and lacking of identity.

Things have definitely improved and I've since got back to deadlifts, which make me feel like an actual human again!  I still can't squat, but I've been working really hard on my bench press and deadlift over the last 6 weeks and this Sunday I'll be stepping on the platform for the second time for a push pull competition!

I am very very excited to get back on the horse and see what I can do!  I would be very happy to walk away with a 62.5kg bench press (5kg pb) and 160kg deadlift (10kg pb) so i'll do everything on the day to get those numbers!

I don't know what the future holds for me with regards to roller derby, but I know I miss it desperately and also know I am terrified of hurting myself again.  I don't know how that will play out in the future, but I know in the meantime I have power lifting and I have many supportive friends who will help me.

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